Tuesday, February 18, 1:00 pm until 2:30 pm
Moore-Leland Library, 172 Athol Rd, Orange MA
Are you interested in homeschooling your children, but do not know how to get started? Do you want to learn more about homeschooling and if it is right for your family? or do you already homeschool your children and want more information?
Please join us at Moore-Leland Library for a presentation by AHEM - Advocates for Home Education in Massachusetts, Inc.. This nonprofit, independent, grassroots, volunteer-run, educational organization gathers and disseminates information about homeschooling in Massachusetts through education, advocacy, and events.
The presentation will get into the nitty-gritty of how to get started for those new to homeschooling or just considering it. Topics to be covered include an overview of homeschooling, deciding whether or not to homeschool, getting started, teaching methods, teaching resources, and homeschooling support. Informational handouts will be available and an opportunity for questions will follow the presentation.
Please register for this event by emailing the Children's Librarian, April Violette { aviolette@orangelib.org} or by phone at (978)-575-0444.